English Hindi Dictionary
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English to Hindi
Version 1.01 (May 2015) WORK IN PROGRESS!
कठोर kaṭhor adj. iron  [cruel]
निर्दय nirday adj. iron  [cruel]
कठोर kaṭhor adj. cruel
कठोर kaṭhor adj. cruel
कठोर kaṭhor adj. cruel  [severe]
कठोर kaṭhor adj. cruel  [unkind]
क्रूर krūr adj. cruel
क्रूरता से krūrtā se adv. cruel  [evil way]
खराब kharāb adj. cruel
निर्दय nirday adj. cruel
निर्दयता से nirdaytā se adv. cruel  [evil way]
निर्दयी nirdayī adj. cruel
निष्ठुर niṣṭhur adj. cruel
भयानक bhayānak adj. cruel
कठोर kaṭhor adj. severe  [cruel]
कठोर kaṭhor adj. unkind  [cruel]
जानवर jānvar noun m. animal  [cruel person]
दुष्ट duṣṭ adj. savage  [cruel]
घटिया आदमी ghaṭiyā ādmī noun m. bastard  [cruel man]
निर्दयी nirdayī adj. unrelenting  [cruel]
बाल-उत्पीड़न bāl-utpīṛan noun m. child abuse  [cruel treatment]
खून का प्यासा khūn pyāsā adj. bloodthirsty  [cruel and eager to kill]
निर्दयी nirdayī adj. cold-blooded  [cruel]
हिंदी अंगरेज़ी शब्दकोश हैं Hindi Angrezi shabdkosh - अंग्रेज़ी हिंदी शब्दकोश Angrezi Hindi shabdkosh. This is an Hindi - English and English - Hindi online hypertext dictionary. The aim of this dictionary is to provide an easy access to English translations of Hindi words. Roman letter input as well as Devanagari input is possible. The work on this online dictionary is still in progress. Please send comments concerning the online dictionary to
mail(at)hindi-english(dot)org. This Hindi dictionary is released under GNU FDL. The vocabulary of this dictionary may be downloaded at Universal Word - Hindi Dictionary ( http://www.besucherzaehler-homepage.de )