Latest Audios

Rupert Sheldrake and Mark Vernon explore ways in which the significance of Jesus has been interpreted. They ask whether the incarnation is a more important notion, how evolutionary ideas can help unpack the meaning of Christianity's central figure, and how the resurrection of Jesus can be understood.

Marc Andrus, the Episcopal Bishop of California, and Rupert discuss Christianity as a continuously developing process.

A conversation with Ralph Abraham in London in December 2015. We discuss recent consciousness research.

Test Your Intuition

Three experiments
from Rupert Sheldrake
for testing your intuitive
connections to others.

NEW Online Staring Experiment

Can you tell when people are staring at you? Why not find out experimentally?

Telephone Telepathy Test

Can you tell who's calling? Get a couple friends and find out in under 10 minutes.

Joint Attention Test

Can you tell when someone is looking at the same photo?

Paid Internships for Students (UK)
Research with pets.


PSI Encyclopedia logo

Psi Encyclopedia   A new alternative to Wikipedia on the subject of psi research, produced by the Society for Psychical Research.

Arguing Science: A Dialogue on the Future of Science and Spirit Last year Rupert took part in a three-part debate with Michael Shermer, the editor of the American Skeptic magazine and author of the monthly Skeptic column in Scientific American.   Going beyond the dogmas dominating mainstream science.

Skeptical About Skeptics   Countering dogmatic attacks from self-styled skeptics.

Latest Videos

The Extended Mind: Experimental evidence for the effects of attention at a distance. Goldsmiths College, 2017

The standard assumption is that minds are located inside heads. But many mental phenomena, including vision, suggest that minds are far more extensive than brains.

Can Emergence Explain Reality

In this excerpt from an interview for the PBS series Closer to Truth, 2016, Rupert summarizes his take on the evolusionary nature of reality and the habits that govern their emergence and development.

Is Consciousness Fundamental?

In this excerpt from an interview for the PBS series Closer to Truth, 2016, Rupert reflects on panpsychisim versus materialism, what consciousness does and the variety of ways it is apparent within nature.

Debate with Massimo Pigliucci on Evidence & Skepticism in Science

Why is the multiverse or string theory okay while telepathy is not? Follow the back-and-forth between Rupert Sheldrake and Massimo Pigliucci regarding the influence of skeptical organizations and scientific dogma on evidence. This is an excerpt from a longer dialogue with CERN physisist Tara Shears.

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Latest Article

Sacred Song, and Where to Find it

From Resurgence & Ecologist, Jan/Feb 2016, page 56

I was an atheist when I was an undergraduate at Cambridge and for several years afterwards, yet I still went to choral evensong because I found it so inspiring and uplifting. Whatever your religious faith, or lack of it, no one is going to question you about your beliefs or your motives when you attend.

Latest Scientific Papers

Linking Minds Through Joint Attention: A Preliminary Investigation

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (2015) 79 No. 4: 193-200
by Rupert Sheldrake
Full Text — PDF

This study investigated whether people could tell when another person was looking directly at the same object. Participants worked in pairs. They were separated by a wall in such a way that they could not see each other, but both could see a target object such as an apple. Tests consisted of 20 trials, each lasting about 10 seconds. One of the participants (the �looker�) either looked at the object or did not look, in a random sequence, and the other participant (the �guesser�) had to guess whether or not the other person was looking at the object. Altogether there were 310 tests with 6,200 trials. The total number of hits was 3,255 (52.5%), significantly above the chance level of 50% (p = 0.00003).

Is Joint Attention Detectable at a Distance? Three Automated, Internet-Based Tests

Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing (2016) 12 No.1: 34-41
by Rupert Sheldrake and Ashweeni Beeharee
Full Text — HTML / PDF

Joint attention is the shared focus of two or more individuals on the same object. The aim of this study was to find out whether people could feel when another person was looking at the same picture, and in some cases hearing the same music, at the same time, even when the participants were miles apart. Hit rates were significantly above chance.

Featured Trialogue — Ralph Abraham, Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake

Morphogenetic Family Fields

A private trialogue from June 1998. Not included in a book. Do morphic fields underlie the telepathic bonds within animal and human family groups? Morphic fields between pets and owners. Morphic fields with human families. Rupert's interest in Hellinger's family field therapy. Are family field dynamics influenced by a kind of memory? Do family ancestors influence the family field memory? Healing the imbalances within family field dynamics. The therapeutic effect of consciously acknowledging unrecognised ancestors and missing family members. The need for further investigation of family fields. Mathematical models for human family fields and social group dynamics. Anthropological data on the role of the ancestors. Comparing human and bird family field models.

Upcoming Appearances

UK Workshop: Science and Spiritual Practices

April 28, Friday, London Wellbeing Festival, Olympia, London, W14 8UX, 4.00-6.00pm
View Details

US Workshop and Keynote Address: IONS 2017

July 20-23, Oakland, California
Institute of Noetic Sciences Conference: "The Science of What Connects Us" View Details

US Resonant Minds and Voices: An Evening with Rupert Sheldrake and Jill Purce

July 24, Monday, Fremont Abbey, Seattle, 7:00-9:00 pm
View Details